Whereas vacuum_sink converts a sink file to a single, aggregated data file, split_sink converts a sink file to as many files as there where sinks that contributed to the file. Each resulting file will contain only the data generated by a sigle process.


split_sink  -sink_file data.sink  -out_file_base out.txt

would result in nr_sink files named out.txt.0000, out.txt.0001, ..., that each contain the data written by process 0, 1, ..., respectively.

Optionally, split_sink can produce feedback useful for tuning and/or debugging. The -verbose flag allows to set the level of information printed to standard error. For level 0 there is no feedback, level ` provides run time information, higher levels may be added in future.

Help on the avaible command line options for this command can be obtained using the -? flag.